The designs in this submission elaborate the methoxy substituent (configurational lock which also appears to be beneficial for antiviral activity). A single P1’ substituent is used (as discussed with Ed Griffen, synthesis would be a carried out by first reacting the hydroxy starting material with ethylene oxide) and this is combined with different scaffolds of potential interest to design team.
Protein-ligand complexes (P0157 A chain) were energy-minimized using Szybki (MMFF94S). As modelled the methoxy oxygen accepts a hydrogen bond from N142 although this is not entirely convincing and the methoxy oxygen might also be solvent exposed. The PDB file associated with this submission contains the following: [1] P0157 A chain from complex with design 1 [2] P0157 A chain crystallographic ligand (PET-UNK-29afea89-2) [3-7] Binding mode predicted for designs 1-5.